
NextPharma Limay site is a centre of excellence for development and manufacture of liquid formulations for nutritional, OTC and Rx products.

The site can produce medium to large batch sizes of up to 10,000 litres for liquid products and also manufactures and packages semi solids and hard gelatine capsules.  

The plant also benefits from a fully automated high rack warehouse.

The following services are offered

Pharmaceutical Development

  • Pharmaceutical formulation development
  • Scale-up (pilot-scale, production-scale)
  • Validation
  • Manufacturing of stability batches
  • Galenic optimisation of existing formulae
  • Registration services


  • Analytical development
  • Validation
  • Stability testing / storage
  • Quality control
  • Market release

Commercial Manufacturing & Packaging Capacity

Liquids manufacturing 3.0m litres
Liquids filling 45m bottles
Double-point ampoules 100m
Drops and pump sprays 5m units
Encapsulation 750m capsules
Suppositories 20m suppositories
Manufacturing 3,600 m²
Regulatory status Anvisa (Brazil), EMA, audited by Russian authorities

Inside NextPharma Limay

Would you like to take a virtual look around the site? Please click here and you will find a short youtube video of the Limay site. 

Site contact information


17 route de Meulan
B.P. 45
F-78520 Limay

