Corporate Social Responsibility
About our commitment to corporate social responsibility.
Act on Supply Chain (LkSG) – Declaration of Principle
At NextPharma, we understand corporate responsibility holistically. As a company, producing high-quality drugs benefitting the health of everyone, we commit to protecting the environment and the health and safety of our staff, customers and communities. As employer, we do this through implementation of operating standards with respect to labor, health and safety, environment and business ethics.
Comprehensively respecting and ensuring compliance with human rights is a central concern in a globalized world with complex supply and goods flows. We support and respect the core labor standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and are committed to complying with human rights due diligence obligations along our value chain through our Code of Conduct. To underpin this commitment, the Next Pharma Group has a Next Pharma Code of Conduct that covers all Group business units and global supply chains.
As a responsible company, we naturally conduct a risk analysis to determine human rights and environmental risks along our supply chain. The analysis of our industry and country-specific risks regarding the identification of high-risk suppliers has shown that there are no significant risks. We continuously document our activities to effectively implement our due diligence obligations.
We have implemented the requirements of the law on the Supply Chain Act to prevent human rights violations in supply chains ("LkSG"). We are committed to the international principles for the protection of human rights and the environment, which are reflected in Section 2 (2) and (3) of the LkSG.
NextPharma Declaration of Principle (long version)
Please find below the direct links to our NextPharma NextPharma Declaration of Principle, available in:
- English - Policy Statement on Human rights and environmental strategy
- German - Grundsatzerklärung Menschenrechts und Umweltstrategie
NextPharma Report LkSG
Please find below the direct links to our NextPharma Report LkSG, available in:
NextPharma Complaint Procedure
NextPharma encourages open and transparent communication and fosters a speak-up culture with the goal of promptly identifying and addressing any risks and preserving public trust. It is essential to identify and remedy any defects immediately. To achieve this NextPharma maintains a reliable and effective complaints procedure. The complaints procedure enables persons to point out human rights and environment-related risks as well as violations of human rights-related or environment-related obligations that have arisen because of the economic actions of the NextPharma Group in its own business sector or of a direct supplier. This procedure serves as an early alert system and enables to implement preventive measures or remedial actions to end, mitigate, or prevent risks or violations.
A complaint can be made through one of the following channels:
Telephone: +495513820
E-mail: complaints(at)
Postal: NextPharma, Hildebrandstr. 12, D-37081 Göttingen, Germany
Website: Report via the NextPharma Group website entry form – Report form.
Complaint reports can be identified by name or anonymously. Further information on anonymity and the possible structure of a report is described here.
In addition to the above channels, you may also contact your manager at any time. He or she will immediately forward any complaints received to the Complaints Coordinator.
NextPharma complies with applicable laws and regulations regarding the collection, processing and storage of personal data. In accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, NextPharma will document the complaint mechanism and any complaint handling procedures. Section 10 (1) of the GSCDDA shall apply.
NextPharma Rules of Procedure Complaint System
Please find below the direct links to our NextPharma NextPharma Rules of Procedure Complaint System, available in:
- English - Rules of Procedure Complaint System
- German - Verfahrensordnung zum Beschwerdeverfahren